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Precedence of operators
The highest priority operators are listed first.
Operator Operation Evaluated () parentheses left to right [] square brackets left to right ++ increment right to left -- decrement right to left (type) cast operator right to left * the contents of right to left & the address of right to left - unary minus right to left ~ one's complement right to left ! logical NOT right to left * multiply left to right / divide left to right % remainder (MOD) left to right + add left to right - subtract left to right >> shift right left to right << shift left left to right > is greater than left to right >= greater than or equal to left to right <= less than or equal to left to right < less than left to right == is equal to left to right != is not equal to left to right & bitwise AND left to right ^ bitwise exclusive OR left to right | bitwsie includive OR left to right && logical AND left to right || logical OR left to right = assign right to left += add assign right to left -= subtract assign right to left *= multiply assign right to left /= divide assign right to left %= remainder assign right to left >>= right shift assign right to left <<= left shift assign right to left &= AND assign right to left ^= exclusive OR assign right to left |= inclusive OR assign right to left