Some Rather Uninspired Essays.
Old Essays:
The following essays while rough, unpolished (and unfinished) offer a decent basis for the understanding of my disturbed psyche.
Why I use Android Why I use Android devices, over the alternatives.The Hacker Ethic: is it really new? How does the Hacker Worth Ethic compare to the Protestant Work Ethic? Is is really something revolutionary? Or is it just a new name for a familiar thing?
On Writing: 2 Hopefully the start of a book on computers and computer programming. Or yet another pointless essay... Only time will tell.
What's wrong with "server/web"-based applications?
On imperative vs functional programming
Learning C++ How good is C++? Is it better than C? What does that even mean?
Some thoughts on the iPad and Apple in general Is the iPad going to be the way of the future?
Social Networking Manifesto The future is as bright as we want it to be. But it's going to take a lot of work.
TRUSTNO1 vs. Philosophy Convoluted essay about my worldview.
Notes on NetBSD My thoughts about NetBSD. The BSD that doesn't suck :).
Why Debian Why I think that Debian is the one true OS.
Paradox of Piracy Why I doubt that abandonware will save our souls or TRUSTNO1 goes to college.
The "Global Culture": Postmodern half-truths and lies A pretty sucky essay or just another opportunity for me to rant and rave.
How and Why came to be This is my best essay. It offers a real understanding of where I come from.
21st Century BluesThis is much better than the Global Culture essay. I saved this for last because I quoted scripture and that's almost contradicting myself.
Some Rather Uninspired Book Reviews.
Here are some notes on various book I've read.
A Confederacy of Dunces Review not yet finished.
And here's a short list of some books I have read.
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