Why I use android.
Basically android is a real operating system. (android running on a laptop with AMD APU)
It is possible to argue that operating systems shouldn't have a file system and maybe this is the reason that apple ios doesn't have one. But that argument would fail in several ways.
Operating systems don't tend to take that route in the real world. There is no rush to banish files at the fundamental level. All that is going on is that the filesystem is hidden from the user, but data lives in files somewhere deep below.
Apple doesn't seem to encourage or even tolerate file browsers. Where apple's evil restricts the user one is usually justified in suspecting questionable motives at work.
Getting back to the first point, there doesn't seem to be much demand from users to hide the filesystem. The file system is already hidden from those users who can live without it, through the mediation of web browser and modern operating system shortcuts: especially the desktop metaphor which dumps everythong right where the user is looking.
People need a way to manipulate their data. The notion of files living at a specific location and which can be moved very quickly and copied at a slightly greater cost is intuitive. It also shows that all data is ontoligically equivalent at some level.
This is an important ideological principle. It is a great leap backwards to conceive that different types of files are essentially different rather than realizing that they all share a common binary nature.
In computers any elemental file can be transmuted into any other. And every file is just a certain arrangement of bytes. Everything else is just interpretation.
Zeros and ones. The two categories out of which the entire universe of computing is built. But to the simplified interface all that remains is the illusion of magic. Only a hacker or a really cool app can take a picture and put it on "the cloud", not the user and any generic file transfer client. And this leads the user to believing that if the better product is much more evil (or much more restricted), then the evil must somehow be related to what makes the product good.
But it is rather the reverse. The better the product the more the producer can afford to be evil, since consumers are hungry for more.
So why not use the better product? Why not just ignore the restrictions (the evil)? Because things are not static. They are in a constant state of flux. One day you're up and the next you're down. And once you're down, or behind, or simply don't have THE greatest product right here and right now, then you either have to stop being evil, or lose. And when you have made it an article of faith that the evil was necessary, it's a tough pill to swallow... This gets you into the old-school Mac (vs PC) mentality that the Mac is better but people are just brainwashed into using PCs.
Of course to be fair there is plenty of this kind of thinking from the other side. There is in some places a certain feeling that Linux is better but people are just brainwashed into using Windows.
I think my answer to this is that it's not as simple to figure right and wrong when it comes to people's choices about these things in general. Despite my talking about "evil", this is very much about why "I" chose this over that. In the end you have to make your own choices, and anything I say is unsolicited advice.
In the end all I want to say is that the lesser of two evils is often much less evil. The sort of things that android prevents you from doing are often much less unreasonable, and the devices are easier to root (and unroot).
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